1. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkannya (Al Quran) pada malam kemuliaan
2 Dan tahulah kamu apakah kemuliaan itu?
3. Malam kemuliaan itu baik dari seribu bulan.
4. Pada malam itu turun malaikat-malaikat dan malaikat Jibril dengan izin Tuhannya untuk mengatur segala urusan
5. Malam itu penuh (dengan) kesejahteraan sampai terbit fajar
1. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkannya (Al Quran) pada malam kemuliaan
2 Dan tahulah kamu apakah kemuliaan itu?
3. Malam kemuliaan itu baik dari seribu bulan.
4. Pada malam itu turun malaikat-malaikat dan malaikat Jibril dengan izin Tuhannya untuk mengatur segala urusan
5. Malam itu penuh (dengan) kesejahteraan sampai terbit fajar
Surah Al Qadar, brief yet when read and heard it conjures thoughts and memories associated with Ramadhan. Especially the last few nights of the 'Nights of Decree'. The Night of Al Qadar ( Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e worshiping Allah in that night is better than worshiping Him a thousand months i.e 83 years and 4 months). Especially it reminds the faithful the ending of Ramadhan and they would have to wait for another year to see it again. It would be a long wait for not knowing whether they would be around the next time it comes along. Ramadhan always invokes many happy and worthy experiences. For one, it is the Muslim 'fasting' month and one especially when Muslims observe their obligations in no uncertain terms. Even children as young as five would want to 'fast' alongside their parents, experiencing the gifts and other duties that have to be performed. When the community together practiced their religious duties, then the tendencies it would be exemplary for many to follow. Thus the mosques and 'surau' are packed with worshipers or 'jemaah' during the night who attend their Ishak and 'tarawith' prayer during the whole month. No other month in the year would ever see such attendance. The recitation of the verses from the holy Koran echoes even after the last jemaah leave the mosque or 'surau'.
Over the years, ( tak kurang jumlahnya) surely there would be many reminiscence of the puasa months; one with its own definitions, styles and commitments. Puasa when we were still in the beginning primary school, later on reaching puberty and then in marriage enclosure all has its own definitions and memories. One would of course never forget, going on errand to buy ice blocks at the roadside stall when refrigerators were unheard of. Ice blocks covered with sawdust or rice husks clammed to the bicycle's carrier arrived home at a reduce size. Naturally as we have cycled a fair distance and the hot weather added its damage too. Knocking the ice block into small pieces would be another duty. Then no fresh coconut or sugarcane drink as you would have to climb the tree yourself and scout for the sugar cane plant if you so desire. How fast and easy to get such luxury now. Alarm clock was not generally available. Certainly no hand phone with all its accessories. Instead a 'tok-tok' man would be moving around the home to wake you up for the 'shahur' . Time for breaking fast was announced by the loud blast of the cannon fired by members of the security force. Its deafening sound vibrates throughout Alor Setar town. Yes those were the early memories of Ramadhan in our younger years. I am sure colleagues will add their stories to this throwback into the past.
Ramadhan sees also contributions to the less fortunate and this year especially it is the turn of orphanage homes to get their dues. Iftar , the religious observation of Ramadhan when people gathered to break fast together at dusk, saw orphanage being given VIP treatment. Mosques distribute 'kanji' or special broth for Muslims to break their fast. One mosque at Kampong Baru Kuala Lumpur is especially known for its quality 'kanji' and surely no end to takers who await its distribution every evening.
Over the years, ( tak kurang jumlahnya) surely there would be many reminiscence of the puasa months; one with its own definitions, styles and commitments. Puasa when we were still in the beginning primary school, later on reaching puberty and then in marriage enclosure all has its own definitions and memories. One would of course never forget, going on errand to buy ice blocks at the roadside stall when refrigerators were unheard of. Ice blocks covered with sawdust or rice husks clammed to the bicycle's carrier arrived home at a reduce size. Naturally as we have cycled a fair distance and the hot weather added its damage too. Knocking the ice block into small pieces would be another duty. Then no fresh coconut or sugarcane drink as you would have to climb the tree yourself and scout for the sugar cane plant if you so desire. How fast and easy to get such luxury now. Alarm clock was not generally available. Certainly no hand phone with all its accessories. Instead a 'tok-tok' man would be moving around the home to wake you up for the 'shahur' . Time for breaking fast was announced by the loud blast of the cannon fired by members of the security force. Its deafening sound vibrates throughout Alor Setar town. Yes those were the early memories of Ramadhan in our younger years. I am sure colleagues will add their stories to this throwback into the past.
Ramadhan sees also contributions to the less fortunate and this year especially it is the turn of orphanage homes to get their dues. Iftar , the religious observation of Ramadhan when people gathered to break fast together at dusk, saw orphanage being given VIP treatment. Mosques distribute 'kanji' or special broth for Muslims to break their fast. One mosque at Kampong Baru Kuala Lumpur is especially known for its quality 'kanji' and surely no end to takers who await its distribution every evening.
Experience of Iftar at Mekkah or Madinah would make pilgrims long to return given the opportunity. Here it is enough to break fast with a few dates and a hot cup of tea blended with ginger. No arrays of servings especially prepared or bought at bazaar Ramadhan to tempt you. The focus is on religious duties. As we celebrate the 53rd year of Merdeka this year, national parade at Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur was replaced with an indoor show at Bukit Kiara. Meantime at many places colored buntings and flags continue to add color to the forthcoming Aidil Fitri celebration. At Iftar, Muslim in Malaysia break the fast or 'berbuka puasa'; Indonesian 'buka puasa' and our Brunei neighbors termed it 'sungkai'. With cakes galore in the street and stalls offering dishes of all kind at the Ramadhan bazaar, one is tempted to break fast with mouth watering dishes. Alas how much can you eat? Still it can be an educational tour visiting the bazaar and picking out various names of dishes either traditional or modern. It can be observed that the bazaar attracts now not only the Muslim but the other races too who obviously cannot resist the offerings at good price too. During the last weekend we had the opportunity to travel to Putrajaya and return. On the outward journey we stopped for Iftar at Juru and on the return trip at Bukit Gantang. The latter is an exceptional halting center with all manner of fruits being sold there. Not often you get the chance to sit at the garden counter and break fast in a colorful atmosphere.

Berbekal dengan minuman dan hidangan yang dibawa bersama kami menikmati iftar di perhentian Bukit Gantang pada Ahad 5 September 2010. Kebetulan bendera negeri tertkibar di sana pula.

Wah! Ini lain pula. Bazaar Ramadhan di sini banyak menyediakan hidangan yang istimewa. Gulai Kawah yang panas tentu memikat hati siapa saja yang lalu di sini.
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