KBDYMM Tuanku Sultan Kedah walked along the 'Angsana' lined pathway of the College
aside the 'padang' to launch the space capsule while receiving warm greetings from the guests that attended the grand opening of the celebration
They are ready to hoist the school flag.The school main facade is seen in the background with 1908 enblazoned high on its wall.

A strong motorcade made its way from KL to Alor Star. Cars driven by Collegian returning to pasture for a grand do. I understand partipants of the motorcade had cost of petrol and toll paid for one way only..
S.A.H.C stands for SULTAN ABDUL HAMID COLLEGE. This is the premier school in Kedah and also the oldest secondary school having been established in 1908. It takes the name of Sultan Abdul Hamid, the grand father of Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah, the present Sultan of Kedah who on the 15 of July 2008 celebrates his Golden Jubilee having been on the throne since 1958. Fittingly the 100 years grand celebration of the College comes as part of the Golden Jubilee as a tribute to His Highness who began his earlier education here. Both him and his brother Tunku Abdul Malik were even school-borders at the insistent of their father Al Marhum Sultan Badlishah. Hostel life with all its untold stories and unexpectedness were quite familiar with both of them. In short they struck good and lasting friendship with their classmates; characteristic of their friendly nature with the rakyat before and presently.
The College also saw Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Mohd Zahir Ismail amongst others as its students in days before the Second World War.
The College is also our Alma Mater though our group came much later: still quite far back in time as we began schooling in Special Malay 1 in 1948. At a time the Emergency had just started and Kedah was an Un-Federated State with the British administration in force alongside the State Civil Service.
Our group of students ranging from those graduating between 1950 and 1958 who met at the Centenary Celebration would literally bring the ceiling down with all the raucous and noise of meeting old buddies again. We are fortunate to have got places in the school when in 1948 and earlier only two classes were available for those who had completed Standard IV in Malay medium primary schools. Meaning only 80 places were available. Beside SAHC only two other English medium secondary schools existed in Kedah. Even pupils from Perlis were offered schooling here. Tun Dr Mahathir in his Blog wrote that students then and now should be grateful that they have acquired education remembering that one billion people in the world are illiterate.
I am thankful for getting a good start in life that on this auspicious date I am able to record in pictures some of the happenings during a Centenary Celebration.
Collegian Khalid Yahya and Wife greeting Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed Centurion of SAHC
A senior Collegian Dato Baha and wife with us at the Celebration. Baha was a classmate of Tunku Abdul Halim when they started their early education at the College. He was awarded the Datoship 15 July on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebration

Perhaps the most senior Collegian to attend the gathering. This gentleman aged 95 yrs came from Singapore and was introduced to the Sultan who in return was presented with a golden coin. Will try to get his name and more about him.
At the Centenary Celebration on the 26 July 2008, three person were recognised as centurions: namely Tunku Abdul Halim, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Seen here on the left is Tunku Ahmad Nerang representing his father Bapa Malaysia and next to him Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

An Old Collegian given the honor to speak at the Royal Banquet. His love for the Alma mater brought him back from a holiday in Croatia and the following day flew out again to another destination outside the country. It was a must- visit for a special reason because Tun's father was the first Principal of the College.
Tuanku Sultan Kedah breaking the ice to launch three publications in conjunction with the Celebration
A true blue Collegian who came attired in the SAHC neck-tie. Shame to many others who forgot to do the same on such an occasion

A RR that brought His Highness The Sultan of Kedah who also celebrated his Golden Jubilee in July 2008

Khalid Yahya's wife at our table. Her hubby ex police officer was my classmate since we first started our early education at SAHC in 1948. Pretty long ago. It was really marvelous to meet the old friends again and relive whatever memories of our childhood days. I am sure somebody in UK will be glad to see this pic of her sister. Khalid was one of the many students who cycled to and fro home to school every school day. 8 to 12 miles each way was normal even for girls during those days.

These senior Collegians or Citizens had time for a sumptuous lunch. Sitting down with friends over kampong styled cooking plus fruits of the season from the orchards made them forgot some of the restrictions.

Time for a group photo. It was no easy matter to get all the 'datos' to sit down for the session. Seen here Saad Endut, Malik Aziz, Zainal Abidin, Hashim Endut and Azizan Pagoda. By the way both Saad and Hashim are not related. A mistake long committed for no mistake of anybody. Yes what a day when everyone present is a Datuk.