As we settled down for a siesta or a quite respite after a hectic and rather busy morning with Friday morning shopping at the wet market in town over purchases of 'ayam kampong, udang, ketam' and the tempting 'lala', intermittently viewing the live telecast of the Merdeka Parade from Dataran Merdeka, and consuming the extravagant lunch since the large family had been invited, we thought it right that we leave some notes or footprints of things discovered and engaged in before today's significant day. The latest would be that since it was Friday, the male population including those in the house had gone to the mosque for the Jumaat prayer. The Imam read a prepared khutubah entailing the spirit of nationalism and the significance of wrestling for independence since 1511 from the Portuguese, Dutch, British and Japanese. Kedah and Perlis had the distinction being under the Thai kingdom too. For that it was not just fifty years of skirmishes against the British, Japanese and Communists insurgents. It had been a lasting struggle very much in the minds of the older generations: our fathers and their fathers before them. They had endured the simplicity of life; none of the comforts that those in the twentieth century has tasted. It was true 'Merdeka' for them.
On 27/06/2007 we attended a grand launching ceremony at PICC Putrajaya. We accepted an invitation to observe Ministry of Higher Education's disclosure of its New Strategic Plan for the future. Over 3000 guests including students from Colleges and Universities attended. Our expectation was short lived since it became more ceremonial rather than distinct exposures of what to come in future amongst the universities and colleges. Still there will be new growth and approaches in higher education to meet future wants in the private and public sector be it domestic or foreign. Gainfully we had a sneak look at the majestic and imposing international convention center noted for its security measures known with no less than seven stages to deter incursions of a dangerous manner while an important international convention is held there.
We have visited Putrajaya on many occasions and yet to realise its full potentials, layout and distinctness. One thing we know there is always at any given time a large number of foreign and local visitors visiting the Putra Mosque and its peripheral.
Other observations or visits that came our way are best shown in the photos following with the appropriate notations. Surely it has not been a quiet eight months since the beginning of the year. What more since I too had hit the seventieth year of existence surpassing Malaysia my country by twenty years. I can surely shout Merdeka many times over since securing my independence upon reaching either eighteen or the twenty-first. I have casted my votes at several general elections in the past and will do again when one comes by soon. From the looks of things it should be just around the corner.

for visitors to the national administrative center of Malaysia.

The Prime Minister and two of his cabinet members at the launching of the Ministry of Higher Education Strategic Plan at PICC Putrajaya singing the National Anthem along with the assembly.27/08/2007

We took time to visit the flora show at Putrajaya and this floral arrangement at one of the pavilion depicts what I believe to be the entwining of our society. 27/08/2007

The large assembly at PICC during the launching of Ministry of Higher Education Strategic Plan - promising autonomy for tertiary institutions plus other innovations. 27/08/2007

If you have wondered why you were going in a circle to get to the various precincts or the ministries wonder no more. This aerial photo taken as I was landing at KLIA on a flight from Palembang shows perhaps the largest round-about in the country at Putrajaya. April 2007

These lily petals and seventy roses were a special loving reminder of a blessed day when I chalked another decade. Thanks the wife, children and grand children for helping realise another good year with the hope that good health and family unity continues on. 23/08/2007
A quintet at a wedding ceremony reciting the verses and leading the 'Marhaban' session. These senior citizen group help to liven the atmosphere at ceremonies while perpetuating traditions and religious obligations. Their attire and preparation throughout give color and sophistication. 19/08/2007