Friday, August 24, 2007


Yesterday 23 August 2007 I crossed into another year of my life, marking a mark into another phase hopefully holding forward a sagacous and remindful years. God knows how we need them in moments when we crossed the threshold of a ripe age.

I was born on 23 August. That is the date permanent on my birth certificate and it has become a cut off point for many events, actions or inactions. By the age of seven, it pushed you into primary school and then four years later crossed into secondary schooling. By the 19th year you found yourself in College ready to step out into the vocational world. You would also focus on a ripe date when you decide to share your life with another person as companion. It would not be too much earlier because you would be responsible for the upbringing of children of your own too. Too early would be a disaster.

Every year the gracious date passed by. More often then not no big reminder or special do for celebration. More often then not I would buy myself a book and noted down in its opening page a brief comment of the current news on that very day plus where it was bought and the occassion why I was there. I will take an opportunity to collect the books and discover the backtracks. It least I know I have a mirror to reflect upon.

Still we have many other clues to remind us of our past glory or trepidations. Souvenirs, items purchased, marriage, births in the family, tragedies, friendships, rewards etc all helped to guide us discover the backtracks. That too if we care to be reminded. Being a historian by training and liking I am able to itemise the years that I have trespassed. Would you care to do that or just abandon it since it has lost its glitter and significance? That would not be true. Just look at the current celebrative mood the country is enfolding because we are on the very threshold of crossing the 50th anniversary of Malaysia Day 31 August 2007. That is only because we are striking fifty. So by touching the 70th year of your life wouldn't that be more rememberable and significant?

How would I record this special day in the yer 2007? I have not yet bought a book. Therefore no blank pages to pen down notes of significance. Fortunately my daughter Djasriza has just presented me with two volumes. I will act on that immediately. Maybe there are lenghty sentences to be penned down being this a very special annivessary.

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