I guess this is the first of many updates that will appear as the old home comes alive again.
A progressive district in the state and being its capital KotaStar is home to many activities. It has a history dating back 200 years plus.
Wait! In the next few months after the grand lady has put on her cosmetic , the wooden home built by my father 70 years ago with top quality timber, hard wood and 'chengal or tembusu' for the pillars and 'meranti' for the floorings will reappear unrecognised and highly valued. I believe offered as a 'guest house' within a countryside setting and complete with furniture of the old traditions it will relive its old history and magic spell.
No doubt some hard work awaits.
Right now I see four family relatives on their respective beds at home. They are the elderly, down with lingering illness and indicating slowness or more exacting a no quick solution to recovery. This is a case close at hand. Others in the peripherals must be more adding to the current unseen or unconcerned situations among us. I am sure each one of us would have elderly relatives or neighbors convalescing at home by virtue of their age group over all sorts of illness. The huge question is "who take care of them or more clinically who 'nurse' them? Your answer will be as good as mine. Excepting for the wives or the husbands, if they are still strong and able, the patients would be hard pressed to find comforting 'nurse' maids.
I am no younger too having reached the age group that is accorded the elderly sector. A casual glance at yesterday's STAR newspaper entitled "Demand for Senior Housing on the Rise" prompted this article. It is noted that there is a change in the demographic area of the world's population. From the 'historical high birth rates and high death rates' there is now a corresponding new trend according to the UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs: One out of 10 people is now above 60 years old or older. Continuing trends would mean that by 2050 1 out of 5 will be above 60 or older. By 2150 the figure would read 1 out of 3. The eldest old would mean a rapid expanding segment of the elderly population.
Many of us would be in that sector even now. The question is "how could we cope with the situation?' or " Are we able to face the possibilities of 'ageing in place' without the full amenities such as proper meals, hospital, nursing homes and on site care? Could the 'elderly' survived in their current homes devoid of their grown up sons and daughter plus in-laws too who are no more neighbor friendly now but staying 100 kilometers or more from their former homes? Works or choice of jobs placed them away from their kampong. Not surprisingly, many are working even overseas, therefore several flight hours away. Therefore the comforts of filial piety, as traditionally expected by the elders have become a dream rather than expected norms. Close to it maybe the annual 'balik kampong'.
Is our government ready or realizing the current development? Is our "Yang Berhormat" in keeping with these needs that has seen other developed countries marching forward to address the pertinent issues?
Look carefully around you. Observe the sick and the elderly at the hospitals and the treatment they are receiving. There are many private hospitals too but how many can afford a RM300.00 bed a day plus medical expanse that easily multiply to thousand ringgit quite hurriedly? The needy, the elderly in most cases would not be able to meet such demand. It is sad that that the situation has been allowed to exist without check. Without medical attention unless you can afford to pay, where could the elderly ills go? No other, than their own homes and lingering as I have seen with only the sympathy of neighbors, friends and relatives.
Malaysia being a multiracial country has to look at the problem with full concerned of the community, religious bodies plus all the relevant ministries. Going for housing specific to realizing the needs of the elders of Malays, Chinese, Tamils etc need concerted efforts from developers as well. Elderly age homes or community living with the comforts for the elders have to be planned in accordance to each community needs.
Hoping this awareness strikes home. May we look forward to special housing for the elders.So too greater medical care and services greatly desired from a 'prehatin' or caring government.Another pressing question would be "Which one now 'child care' or 'elder care'? realizing the trend in population development.
Saturday, 14 November 2009/26 Zulkaedah 1430. It was dinner at Restoran Sari Ratu, Subang Parade on Friday night for the family including the expecting mother Djasriza. We were all there except Abu Bakar Sidqi who was late in returning home. Over a wide spread choice of Minang dishes which included 'kentang teri, ayam gulai, sayur kalian, gado-gado, ayam special, asam pedas ratu, bergedel, sambal merah dan sambal hijau' plus the ordered drinks, all six adults and two children savored the serving with relish. Not surprisingly all serving plates were left empty except the sambal. The restaurant was one of several in the city serving Minang cooking minus the normal Minang serving of all dishes laid on the table and charging you for those taken only. I suppose it would be fine when you have a large table to take in all the plates of dishes. Not when it comes with 3' X 3' only or smaller table size.
There was still time to spare before the doors of Subang Parade shut for the evening, for the group to head to the lower ground floor at Parkson's. They bought fruits and especially oranges being deemed necessary for those having sore throats and fever. Extra vitamin C would help. My wife and I were in the state of wanting that extra lift having down with fever and flu. Fruits of course were delights for all as well.
It was near to ten thirty at night when we filed into the Honda Odyssey and headed home for USJ. I guessed everyone must have retired before midnight including Abu Bakar Sidqi who missed the diner serving but got back from College soon after we arrived home. Reeling from the discomfort of a fever and flu that has taken me twice to see the doctor with subsequence doses of antibiotic etc, I must have dozed off early too only hearing the daughter excusing the mother to go off early as usual early in the morning. This was the usual every morning farewell exercise. Only I was mistaken to find out later that it happened about 4.00 am in the morning. Djasriza and Idzfan took leave to proceed to the nearest hospital. The 'stalk' was on its way. I guess we were too 'tired' to realize the urgency and did not follow them. More ever their two young children were at home too and someone has to care for them.
Only after breakfast, did I realize where both of them have gone. Not hearing further from them by 11.00 am, my wife and son decided to go to the hospital as well. Bless them for on checking with Abu Bakar Sidqi later we were assured that a baby boy has been delivered; both mother and baby reportedly well.
Now at 1.55 pm at the point of typing this note, glancing out I see my wife entering the front gate and soon the story will pour out. For sure we have added into the family another grandchild making a total of sweet sixteen of the younger group and how grander a 'dato' can you be?
Either by coincidence or Providence, we are in town as we were when Djasriza gave birth the last time to Idzlaila. Following this of course, we will see the normal observations of religious and traditional customs. He has not been named yet. Still his elder brother, six year old Danish has proclaimed him 'Adam' and promising in his boyish manner 'Abang sentiasa di- sisimu' (I will be with you all time). How brotherly can you get! Incidentally both the sister and the new born were delivered at the same SunWay Hospital Petaling Jaya.
Signing off 2.00 pm
At Nara forty minutes by train from Osaka, we caught this scene of family resting by the scenic landscaped pool with early autumn cool pleasant weather in the air.Thousand of visitors were here on Saturday as Nara is one historic city with legends of its own
Inside our room at Ryokan Kikokuso with the 'futon' laid out for the guests comfort. The beds are folded away and stored during day time. I guess we were used to this in James Bond film before and it becomes a reality now.
It was an appreciation indeed. I have longed instructed my children and grand children to arrange their shoes in order before entering the home. Here the emphasis is more. For shoes meant for use inside the home they are placed pointed in. For those used outside they are placed facing out. We should adopt this. Take a warning!
A toilet in a public garden designed alongside the landscaped compound
They care. Even the tree trunk deserved such treatment allowing it to grow on.
Visiting another country outside yours is looked forward to by many. H1N1 situation and the current economic world standing are two valid reasons that may put off excursions of such nature for the present. Putting those aside we somehow managed to do so, specifically since we secured two free return seating from Malaysian Airline System sufficient to take us to India, China, Japan etc. We chose to head for the 'Land of the Rising Sun'. This of course came through the 'Enrich Program' by virtue of points accumulated. Not using them would mean they would be forfeited. Then again, we never like to travel on a conducted tour always preferable to be on our own with our programs and schedules. That mean as a start to make sure you have a valid passport and to obtain a visa from the Japanese Embassy or its Consulate at Penang. The Embassy secures your visa within two working days if you satisfy all requests including an indicator that you have sufficient fund. No doubt, Japan is also unduly worried over visitors who entered but remained in the country; failing to make their exits for reasons of their own. Other planning has to be executed before you depart. Only you have to become your own tourism planner.
Osaka and specifically Kansai Airport is six hours away eastward from KLIA. Departing at 11.45 pm meant that we arrived at 7.00 am Japan time: a pleasant and untiring journey that put you at ease to face a new experience.
We made a satisfactory choice by registering at Weekly Mansion Osaka at Otemae for the duration of our six day/5 night stay. It's a new concept stay in an apartment type home with all the facilities of your home: spacious living room, bedroom and all conveniences. Kitchen facilities, free internet, TV and video on hire plus bicycles for rent are all available. Above all at JY52, 600 for the stay, an average of RM 390.00 per night for two persons is a hard price to beat. English speaking desk personnel were of great help when you could only come forth with " ohayo gozaimas", "damo arigato gazaimas" and "konnichiwa" amongst the phrases. Still we found everyone we met helpful.
Our Mr. Ohta the volunteer guide whom we met gave us an excellent introduction to Osaka and especially its train networks. Paying for only JY 200 by train you would be paying JY750 instead by taxi. Still as an old departed friend once said "Your arithmetic is wrong, when you grapple over price etc when you choose to have the best". Indeed he said if you want to have a car then don't ruffle about the mileage and the liter price of petrol'.
Why Osaka? Why not Tokyo? Osaka in the Kansai Prefecture gives you two other cities worthy of visiting: Kyoto and Nara. In fact you have Kobe, Hiroshima and Nagasaki all nearby if your itinerary favors: all familiar names dating back to the Second World War period. Then again autumn would be finer here. Should you wish to see bustling Tokyo, it is only a sixty minutes trip by plane from Osaka Itami at JY22,600 or by the 'Shinkansen' the bullet train from Kyoto at JY13,200 and taking 2 hours 42 minutes. Rail passes available are helpful in many ways.
At the point of writing we have just returned from visiting Nara and Kyoto; two ancient cities with treasures of Japan and more interestingly with a new experience. We chose to spend a night at Kyoto after visiting Nara earlier and significantly stayed in an old Japanese Inn or 'Ryokan'. It's an experience not to be forgotten and more so unbelievably make you wonder or regret to say the least why we do not promote a proper stay in a Malay kampong house? Visiting foreign places are great assets as it opened a new avenue, clicking the mind of new ideas and helping to widen our world view.
I would like my children to do so. Fortunately one is coming this way next month as he is in the motor industry and hopefully gained from his visit as we did even for a very brief one.
IT WAS MANY DECADES AGO, that I first saw a Japanese. Of course he and his colleagues were in Malaya during the Second World War. They were soldiers and certainly brought into the country to launch the Japanese Prosperity Plan of conquering Asia, which they did but lasted for a short span. Of course the child's view was clouded by many factors. Today at Osaka in the Kansai prefecture, I met another, several years older than me but in a more congenial atmosphere. No he is not one of the soldiers that cycled the route north from the Kedah – Thai border to the Island of Singapore, but is a Volunteer Tourist Guide who offered his service to visitors to the Japanese cities and in this case being Osaka.
Viewing the internet I came across an Osaka Tenma Yomiuri SGG Club at Osaka that offered guide service to visitors to Japan and especially Osaka in this case. Correspondence through email, guaranteed that we had the service of a guide. Especially in Japan where you hardly know a word of Japanese or able to converse in either Malay or English with the populace, it would be a great asset to meet someone who could help. In this case Mr. Hideaki Ohta had assured that he would meet us at the hotel where we stayed. This morning prompt at 9.30 am, the telephone in the room rang and he was already at the foyer to meet us and take us on a familiarization tour of Osaka City and taking us especially through myriad networks of the underground trains of the city. That by itself would be the last thing any tourist would like to confront with on the first day.
Mr. Ohta belonged to a group of volunteers in Japan who gave their time and service to serve the tourist industries. They are not money oriented but offered their services literally free of charge. I suppose they gain from the interactions with people from all over the world and proud that they have contributed to the community and to the tourism industry and Japan specifically. That they could converse in the language indicated by the visitors is a true virtue of their assistance; that they are as knowledgeable as the professional tourist guides go a long way. Mr. Ohta was with us for the whole day till we parted with good feelings and friendship late in the evening. I must say this is the first tourist volunteer guide I have come across and had the services offered gratis. Yes free of charge excepting that we pay for our tickets as well as his when we travelled on the train or 'undergrounds' . You have to pay for entries of visitation when required. He entered free being an established and recognized Club member. I would not hesitate to use their services whenever I return to Japan again. I would encourage others to contact them. It is a two way winner: the visitor as well as the volunteer guide. Perhaps Malaysia too has to look at this prospect in wanting to improve its tourism potentials.
IN ANY LANGUAGE it is devastating and unbelievable. Yet it happened at Padang a seaside town on the western shores of Sumatra Indonesia. Four hundred persons: adults, men and women, children too from a village near the city were totally obliterated when the earth shook, split and pulled all those attending a wedding ceremony at the village into its abyss. Besides, the village mosque's minaret the highest point in the village too disappeared indicating a depth of no less than thirty meters. Not counting hundreds others all over the area and in the town itself.
I have not visited Padang but I have touched down at its airport while on a trip to Bukit Tinggi, a touristic center up on the highlands, famed for its Minangkabau inheritance and culture. Still Padang has its attractions and particularly for Malaysians families. A university at the town is home to many students from Malaysia undergoing medical studies. When the earthquake struck the area with a score of 7.6 on the Richter scale it was enough to wrought worries of their families at home. The immediate evacuation of three hundred or more Malaysian students from Andalas University by RMAF planes helped. In the wake of such disaster help poured in from all corners of the earth. How fast and how ready they are to dig into the rubbles to save those still buried amongst twisted iron and concrete are the hopes of all. Fresh food, water, medicines, clothing and roofing all become necessary at this juncture. Malaysia like other countries offered immediate aid sending in our rescue team ( SMART) and medical personnel.
The severity and intensity of the disaster at Padang did not end there. Other calamities wrecked cities and places in the Philippines with 'Parma' and 'Ketsana' devastating the islands and continuing into Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. The Pacific island of Samoa was crippled by a tsunami that hit the island.
For us that devour the news with much tribulation, its sadness personified thankful that such calamities do not hover over our country. Still our hearts go out to the victims and whatever small contributions we can give will be much appreciated. Already NGO's and newspapers have started collections for assistance. Will you share in giving your contribtion?
An intention to halt the students from returning to their studies at Padang is certainly not a wise decision at this juncture. Don't add insults to injuries. The University has to rebuild itself fast and the loss of its students from withdrawal is the last thing it would like to hear.
Malaysian however has its own terminal disaster. The 'balik kampong' syndrome never failed to strike its ugly head and this year Hari Raya break topped the mark.
2. At the United Nation New York, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya turned up at the august house to deliver a scanting rebuke at the World's body slamming the veto rights of United States, Russia, China, Britain and France and reacted by tearing the front cover of UN Charter. He spoke for 1 hour and 36 minutes although only 15 minutes are allowed for all speakers. Earlier President Obama crossed the fifteen minute line by being at the mike for 38 minutes.
3. At the annual gathering of former students of Sekolah Menengah Darulaman in Alor Star on the third day of Aidilfitri which I attended in my capacity as a former principal of the school and meeting again some of my former students and teachers there was the usual camaraderie. Stories and recollections of the students in their teen years, thirty to thirty-six years ago where they received their education under strict but friendly principal- ship and guidance of dedicated teachers echoed year after year. This year was no exception. A record number of former students (140) attended the gathering at the school hall smacking their love and adoration for their alma mater. They returned to their homes for the Aidilfitri during the holiday break to be with their families but never dismiss the invitation to be with their school buddies. Not surprisingly, all in varied fields of business and career have grown in girth and size. Noticeably students of the later years especially of the 1980's, seemed to be over-sized than their elder brothers. The photo attached concur this foresight.
Some of the later students of SMD who sat for their SPM in the early 1980's. Fast food as favorite may have been indulged and saw size a factor. True or false? Lan Pat Pat in baju Melayu a huge puller that night.
Yet more exciting is to learn an interesting tale from one of the students. Che Ani, a grade 1 student, a school prefect and a scholarship student of the school and today an officer in the maritime service having served in TLDM that one day more than three decades ago he delivered a packet at my home. On the assistance of his father he went to my home at Jalan Sekerat Alor Star to deliver a 'buah chempedak' as a token of appreciation. Timidity caught him off guard and he left the fruit at the gate never telling me till tonight. Still it is a great appreciation I accept with honor. Sadly too Che Ani's father has passed away. The tale also marked the close rapport I had with parents when holding the helm of the school making it one the exciting and competitive schools in Kedah during 1974 – 1980. The ex-students gathering also congratulated former students who have made their way in industries, corporations and public sectors; namely Dato Farizuan Darus who is Penang State Financial Officer, Dato Zaharudin Zainol Abidin of LX-Mode and AzamHais Sdn Bhd, En Ibrahim Manager of Regency Hotel Alor Star, Lan Pat Pat an up and coming film and television personality and many others who have distinguished themselves making SMD a continuing bye word. I promised I would attend their future gatherings as long as their invitation comes in the wake of AidilFitri celebration giving support to their alma mater. Echoing their thanks ' for making them men and women' is a reward that touched all the teachers' hearts. Those years at Darulaman capped my career years.
4. No sad or unworthy story can equal that of a young husband in his 30's to discover in stark reality that his equally young wife has been playing fiddle. Expecting to celebrate her birthday he had bought a cake as required and yet to catch her on the eve of the day in close proximity with another man in a hotel room when a religious party knocked on a hotel door early in the morning. Shouldn't she be at home?
5. Grateful that on the occasion of this Eid Celebration, all our children and their families made their way home as first priority. They would otherwise in consideration of their partners (those married) choose to visit first their in-laws. Added more sweetening was the visit and stay of my three sisters and their families too, coming from Kota Bharu, Klang and Kulim respectively. This homage home to meet the father/brother and mother/sister is a tradition to be cherished and exemplified.
The school air-conditioned hall saw SMD former classmates coming together and reliving their nostalgic moments in the classroom and the fields.
Surprises of the sweet things are most welcome making highlights of our days. Aidilfitri 1430 sets a precedence.
The patriarch with his family , brother, nephews and nieces, grand -sons and daughters